Alberta Parks


Provincial Parks General Directive

In Alberta, the Wildlife Act manages Alberta’s wildlife and addresses hunting, and the Provincial Parks Act and Provincial Parks General Directive set the conditions for hunting in provincial parks and recreation areas.

There are hunting opportunities on more than 85 per cent of the land base in Alberta's parks system. In parks where hunting is allowed, some activities are restricted in order to

The chart below provides an overview of hunting opportunities in Alberta's parks. This web page is not a legal document, nor is it a comprehensive listing of Alberta Parks' regulations.

In addition to the information in the chart, there are specific considerations related to

General considerations for hunters includes information on

Hunting Opportunities Chart

Classification No. Sites Hunting Exceptions OHVs permitted
(including snow machines)
Ecological Reserves 15 No   No
Wilderness Areas 3 No   No
Provincial Parks 78 No -
some exceptions
Elk and cougar seasons in Cypress Hills Provincial Park
Castle Provincial Park
Kleskun Hills Provincial Park
Game bird season in Winagami Lake Provincial Park
Provincial Recreation Areas (PRA) 193 No -
some exceptions
See table Provincial Parks and Provincial Recreation Areas table below Lakeland Provincial Recreation Area - yes on designated trails only
North Bruderheim PRA
Wildland Parks 34 Yes Bison hunting not permitted in wildland parks outside the Bison Hunting Zone On designated trails in a select number of wildland parks
Willmore Wilderness Park 1 Yes   No
Heritage Rangelands 2 Yes Entry subject to grazing lease access conditions No
Natural Areas 138 Yes - some exceptions Access and other management conditions may apply Dependent on access conditions

Ecological Reserves

Wilderness Areas

Provincial Parks and Provincial Recreation Areas

In general, hunting and discharging of firearms (including bows) are prohibited in provincial parks and provincial recreation areas; however, there are specific EXCEPTIONS:

Park Hunting OHV Discharge Permit
Blue Rapids PRA Yes Yes No
Castle PP Yes Yes Apply
Cooking Lake-Blackfoot PRA Yes No Apply
Cypress Hills PP Yes No Apply
Evan-Thomas PRA Yes No No
Fickle Lake PRA Yes No No
Kleskun Hills PP Yes No Apply
Lakeland PRA Yes Yes No
North Bruderheim PRA Yes Yes Apply
Redwater PRA Yes Yes Apply
Saskatoon Mountain PRA Yes No Apply
Sulphur Gates PRA Yes No Apply
Wapiabi PRA Yes No No
Winagami Lake PP Yes No Apply


Unless you are hunting in a provincial park or provincial recreation area that has an open season, all firearms must be unloaded, encased or dismantled.

Wildland Provincial Parks

Willmore Wilderness Park

Heritage Rangelands

Natural Areas

Kananaskis Country

Partners & Friends

My Wild Alberta Alberta Conservation Association

For More Info

Updated: Dec 4, 2024