Fickle Lake Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 780-865-2154
Facility Operator: West Fraser Mills-Fox Creek Development Association
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Fickle Lake Provincial Recreation Area (PRA) is situated in the beautiful lower foothills area. The park is 11.52 square kilometers in size and supports a wide variety of recreational activities including camping, fishing, birding and boating. The PRA is part of the Foothills Natural Region with a mixed forest of lodgepole pine, aspen poplar and white spruce that provide rich habitat for wildlife including bears, moose, deer and elk. The lake and surrounding wetland support important nesting sites for bald eagles and osprey, as well as loons, horned grebes, red-necked grebes, Canada geese and a variety of ducks. The lake also offers recreational fishing for northern pike, lake whitefish, walleye and yellow perch. 

Fickle Lake is named after Charles R. Fickle, a trapper who built a homestead along the lake’s northwest shore in the 1930s. The original Cree name for the lake is Atihkamek Sakahikan meaning whitefish lake. Two prehistoric campsites dating back at least 6000 years, that have been found beside the lake, are evidence of how important the fishery has been to indigenous peoples throughout the centuries.

Visitors can enjoy an easy walk along the historic Trapline Trail which begins at the lake’s edge just to the left of the main parking lot.  The path meanders along the lakeside through the forest, and was used frequently by local trappers in the early 1900s. Trapper Fred Elkoff once had a cabin along this trail where he trapped lynx, squirrels, snowshoe hares, coyotes, wolves and martens.

Location: 31 km southwest of Edson off Hwy. 47

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