Kananaskis Country

Alberta Parks

Yamnuska East Ridge

A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley. Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Beginning at the Yamnuska parking lot near the information kiosk, a wide trail crosses a gravel road and then climbs for 800 m to a Y-junction. At this junction, the West Col trail and Climbers Access trail depart to the left.

The East Ridge trail continues to the right. This trail has gentler grades with scenic viewpoints. After traversing east for a while, the trail swings back to the west to terminate at Ravens End. If considering venturing further on the scramble route, read the decision matrix sign located here to determine if you are prepared and experienced enough to continue onwards. Many people have become lost and fatalities have occurred on the scramble route. Follow the blue blazes and see the separate description for this trail. The West Col Trail is a more straight forward route with less exposure and route finding for those looking to gain the summit of Mt. Yamnuska.

If not ready to proceed beyond Raven’s End, enjoy the views and the loop around to return the way you ascended.

Please note: With over 150 climbing routes up the face, it is critical that hikers do not throw rocks over the edge. 


Warning: Rockfall hazard exists on this trail, especially in freeze / thaw weather conditions. Be cautious and move quickly through areas with overhead hazard, particularly in the waterfall section of the West Col portion of trail.

Length 3.6 km one-way
Elevation: 520 m
Summer hiking Hiking
Trail Map Bow Valley WPP - Yamnuska Trail Map
Trail Report: Bow Valley
Trails: Bow Valley | Kananaskis Country | All Parks
Updated: Jul 24, 2024