Pentathlon Nationals 2024
Approx: 60 Participants
Saturday July 06 - Competition (Run + Optical Laser Shoot)
Time: 3:30PM-5:30PM (Set up 11AM)
Run: Start in Cross-Country Stadium. Do 1x loop of gravel track, run out towards the Biathlon stadium, turn around and come back.
Exclusive course - no access to the General Public.
Sunday July 07 - Fun event (Run + Optical Laser Shoot)
Time: 9AM-12PM (Set up 07:30AM)
Run: 1 x loop of gravel track
Exclusive course - no access to the General Public.
Facilities & Trails in use:
-Cross-Country Stadium
-Gravel Track
Trails Closed:
-Organ Donor MTB Trail (This trail crosses onto a closed running course)