Whitehorse Wildland Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Mountain Park Cemetery & Historic Mining Townsite

Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.
  • From Whitehorse Creek Public Recreation Area, Mountain Park cemetery is 8.5 kilometres up Grave Flats Road. The cemetery is located on the left side of the road. The Mountain Park Heritage & Environment Protection Association has cleared many of the old gravesites. It's worth a visit to learn about the area’s history.
  • A few hundred metres further on, there is a designated trail on the right hand side of the road. It leads to the overgrown remains of the mining town. Although the cemetery and town site are located in the middle of the new Cheviot mine, they are being retained as heritage sites.
  • The private haul road runs beside the public road then veers west to Cheviot Creek. Due to active mining, public access is not permitted west of Grave Flats Road from Mountain Park.
  • Mine activity has also resulted in the old Mountain Park off-highway vehicle staging area being moved to Mile 12 Cabin, located 19 kilometres further on over the Divide.
    Length 0.3 km one-way
    Summer hiking Hiking
    Trail Map Map
    Trails: Whitehorse Wildland Provincial Park | All Parks
    Updated: Jun 19, 2017