Miquelon Lake Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Nature Discovery

Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

    Can you hear that robin? Can you see the colours of the forest? Do you know what nature smells like? Students will explore the park or your nearby natural area using their senses just like other animals.

Grade(s): K - 1
Curriculum: Science
    • Using Senses
    • Nature Discovery
    Field Study
Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hours
Location: Miquelon Provincial Park OR a natural area near your school
Max. Group Size: 30 students
Fees: $85
Availability: May-October
Booking Information

A $15 travel fee will be added to deliver a program in a location further than 30 km from Miquelon Lake Provincial Park

Updated: Sep 10, 2024