Alberta Parks

Have bug net…will travel

If there’s one group of animals found throughout our Alberta Parks system that’s a “sure thing”, it’s the creepy crawly variety. If you embrace this reality and equip yourself accordingly, you and your family can have a surprisingly good time hunting for the most diverse animals on the planet.
September 25, 2020

As an Environmental Educator for Alberta Parks, I have spent years catching invertebrates with students and it’s the easiest and most exciting programming that I run. It never gets old to hear the squeal of exuberance when something big and rather scary looking is pulled from a wetland. This summer, I also had the good fortune to deliver park programs for family groups on the wonder of catching and identifying insects and spiders. It still amazes me that every time I’m out catching insects I can see something new and fascinating.

Cause let’s face it, if there’s one group of animals found throughout our Alberta Parks system that’s a “sure thing”, it’s the creepy-crawly variety. If you embrace this reality and equip yourself accordingly, you and your family can have a surprisingly good time hunting for the most diverse animals on the planet.

Here is a simple equipment list, plus tips and tricks, for catching insects found in the water, from the air and on the land.

Catching Insects in the WATER


wetland supplies (1).jpg

Tips and Tricks:

stonefly nymph (1).jpg

Catching Insects from the AIR:


Butterfly Net (1).jpg

Tips and Tricks:

Catching Insects on the LAND


Tips and Tricks:


I hope you enjoy your next amazing insect adventure!

Andrea Barnes
Parks Staff

Updated: Sep 25, 2020