A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis Country. Schools can apply for an exemption by emailing KCPexemptions@gov.ab.ca. Please include the following:
- Date(s) of visit
- Vehicle licence plate number
- School name
- School address
- School postal code
- Teacher's name
- Teacher's phone number
- Teacher's email address
School Programs for Students
To request a program(s) Email Kananaskis.Education@gov.ab.ca with the following information on or after the following dates: June1 (annually) for Fall/Winter programs and January 2 (annually) for Spring/Summer programs:
- School name, address and telephone number
- Teacher name(s) and email address(es)
- Grade(s)
- Number of classes and number of students per class
- Program requested
- Preferred dates
- Most Program fees are $210.
- “Your Day, Your Way” is $300. Fee includes pre and post program consultation and support.
- Schools are invoiced post program, with an on-line credit card payment. Alternatively, cheques are accepted, payable to the “Government of Alberta”.
- Transportation to and from the field study site is NOT included.
- Assistance is available for high needs schools. Please contact Kananaskis.Education@gov.ab.ca to discuss payment options.
- All field programs are full-day with times modified to meet schools bussing needs.
- Programs are booked on a first come, first serve basis.
- We believe that everyone belongs outside. We support the participation of all students in park experiences and programs, regardless of ability. Please contact the Environmental Education Specialists at Education@gov.ab.ca to discuss how accommodations can be implemented to meet your students’ unique requirements.
Contact - For further information:
- Email Education@gov.ab.ca
- Phone 403-679-3517 To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the phone number.