Snow depths in this area vary. Updated technical weather and precipitation data is published by Alberta Environment. Note that on the tables and graphs at the previous link, 1mm of water is equivalent to 1cm of powder snow in cool conditions.
Daily avalanche forecasts can be found on the Avalanche Canada website.
Annual Road Closures:
McLean Creek Road: Closed Dec 1st - Apr 30th, south of McLean Staging access road, north of Fisher Creek.
Trail Name | Permitted Activities (Legend) | Length | Status | Keywords |
Elbow Loop Public Recreation
40.6 km | Closed | Snowmobiling Duane |
McLean Creek OHV PLUZ
From December 1st to April 30th inclusive, OHV use is restricted to off-highway vehicles not exceeding 450 kg with 3 or more flotation tires. This restriction DOES NOT apply to snow vehicles. |
Closed | Snowmobiling Duane | |
Powderface Trail (Road)
Open for snowmobile traffic Dec 1st - Apr 30th. |
Closed | Snowmobiling Duane |