Antelope Hill Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 403-340-7691
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Antelope Hill Provincial Park covers 940 acres of land which was generously donated by Mr. Gottlob Schmidt in 2014.  As a predominantly undisturbed native grassland located in the Northern Fescue Natural Subregion, it is a valuable ecological addition to the provincial parks system. The park is home to diverse wildlife, including the thirteen-lined ground squirrel, deer, elk, and rare birds like the Sprague’s pipit and Baird’s sparrow. Nearby Dowling Lake and its shoreline are recognized as an Important Bird Area and often home to the Piping Plover.

Location: Just north of the town of Hanna at Township Road 32 and Range Road 14, and a half mile east of Dowling Lake


Maps & Guides

Park Management

Classification Provincial Park
Legislation Provincial Parks Act
Park Size 930.91 Acres / 376.73 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 455/2014
Administration / Information 403-340-7691
Regional Office Central Regional Office
District Wainwright
Natural Region Grassland - Northern Fescue
Natural Region Description

Antelope Hill Provincial Park, located in the Northern Fescue Natural Subregion, is comprised of hummocky terrain dominated by scenic grasslands. Localized depressions and wetlands are often ringed with willow shrublands and sporadic, small aspen stands. Over 20 species of uncommon or rare vascular plants are present.  The park supports several fescue grassland communities that are at risk in the province.  Signs of historical cultivation are evident in a few areas of the park.

The park and surrounding landscape provide habitat for a diversity of birds including the White-faced Ibis, the American White Pelican, and the elusive Sprague’s Pipit.  This hard-to-spot sparrow-sized, ground-feeding bird is listed as “Threatened” in Canada under the federal Species at Risk Act.   Nearby Dowling Lake is a nationally identified Important Bird Area.

Many large and small mammals frequent the park and some make their home in Antelope Hill Provincial Park. Deer and moose are often observed.  It's not uncommon to see thirteen-lined ground squirrels, red foxes and porcupines.

Land Use Framework Region Red Deer
Updated: Feb 5, 2025