Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Cottonwoods & Cottonwood Forests in the Milk River Watershed

Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

    Through joint partnership with the Milk River Watershed Council Canada, your students will

    • Experience the unique environments of the Milk River valley at Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park
    • Learn about the importance of cottonwood trees and forests to the watershed
    • See new river point bars and understand seasonal flooding for cottonwood seedling regeneration and specifics about leaves
    • Participate in a basic field procedure to estimate tree canopy cover and observe how canopy cover affects other living things 
Grade(s): 6
Curriculum: Science
    • Topic E–Trees and Forests 6-10
    Field Study
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Max. Group Size: 35
Fees: $100 minimum for up to 15 students plus $7 per additional student
Availability: Weekday mornings May long weekend through late June and Sept-Oct
Booking Information
Updated: Mar 6, 2023