Bow Valley Wildland Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Parks Research and Management

Information: 403-678-0760
A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley. Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Park Management

Classification Wildland Provincial Park
Legislation Provincial Parks Act
Park Size 92,685.00 Acres / 37,508.00 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 78/2022
Administration / Information 403-678-0760
Regional Office Kananaskis Regional Office
District Bow-Ghost
Management Plans Kananaskis - Bow Valley Protected Areas Management Plan (2002)
Natural Region Rocky Mountain - Alpine and Sub-alpine
Rocky Mountain - Montane
Natural Region Description

Bow Valley Wildland Park protects alpine and subalpine landscapes in the north end of Kananaskis Country and contains the area formerly known as Yamnuska Natural Area. The Yamnuska area contains alpine, sub-alpine and boreal forest landscapes. The park contains critical wildlife habitat and movement corridors that enhance the ability of provincial and national park officials to cooperatively manage species that move between Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country. Geological features in the area include the McDonald thrust fault, calcerous spring fen complexes and glacial landforms such as drumlins, eskers, kettles and kames. There are several rare plant and animal species in the area, including the yellow lady's slipper orchid. Bow Valley Wildland Park was established in 1998 and was expanded in size in January 2001. During the management planning process, stakeholders and the general public supported adding most of Bow Flats and all of Yamnuska Natural Area to the park. For more information, view the Bow Valley Protected Areas Management Plan.

Land Use Framework Region South Saskatchewan
Updated: Oct 31, 2018