Whitemud Falls Ecological Reserve

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 780-743-7437
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Location: 80 km east of Ft. McMurray adjacent to the Clearwater River; approximately 520 km from Edmonton & 815 km from Calgary


Park Management

Classification Ecological Reserve
Legislation Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act
Park Size 2,137.00 Acres / 864.85 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 616/88
Administration / Information 780-743-7437
Regional Office North Regional Office
District Fort McMurray
Natural Region Boreal Forest - Central Mixedwood
Natural Region Description

This reserve contains extensive areas of rough, broken terrain created by water erosion. Site features include bedrock stacks, gullies, fissures and caves (bedrock stacks are rare in Alberta east of the Rockies). Jack pine and aspen-dominated forests are the dominant vegetation. More than 130 bird, 4 bat, 14 furbearer, 6 carnivore, 3 ungulate, 3 amphibian and 1 snake species are found in the area. Rare plants in the reserve include green spleenwort, purple cliff brake & Robert's fern. The Clearwater River from the Alberta-Saskatchewan border west to Ft. McMurray was designated a Canadian Heritage River in April 2004.

Land Use Framework Region Lower Athabasca
Updated: Jun 8, 2023