Marguerite River Wildland Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 780-743-7437
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Location: 100 km northeast of Ft. McMurray


Hunting in Marguerite River Wildland Provincial Park

More information: 780-538-5350

Learn about hunting in Alberta's parks system

*To be connected toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the 10-digit phone number.

Maps & Guides

Park Management

Classification Wildland Provincial Park
Legislation Provincial Parks Act
Park Size 485,055.34 Acres / 196,301.90 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 512/00
Administration / Information 780-743-7437
Regional Office North Regional Office
District Fort McMurray
Natural Region Boreal Forest - Central Mixedwood
Boreal Forest - Athabasca Plain
Canadian Shield - Kazan Uplands
Natural Region Description

This park contains landscapes not found in any other protected area in Alberta. The park's north end is dominated by a dissected kame. This extremely rugged landscape has local relief in excess of 200 metres. The Marguerite and Richardson rivers flowing from the kame area have developed the best examples of braided stream valley in the Boreal Forest Natural Region. A spectacular esker, with local relief in excess of 65 metres, marks the south end of the park. The landscape between these two features includes a drumlin field and glacial flutings. The Snuff/Otter Lakes area represents some of the most pristine organic wetlands in Alberta's boreal forest. Included within the park is a unique crag and tail landscape consisting of granite crags with glacially deposited gravel tails on the lee side. The crag and tail landscape is part of the Canadian Shield Natural Region. Rock polypody, a rare fern, has been found in the crag and tail area. Grizzly bears have been sighted in the park.

Land Use Framework Region Lower Athabasca
Updated: Jan 9, 2024