Kootenay Plains Ecological Reserve

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 403-845-8349
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Location: located 54 km southwest of Nordegg adjacent to the south end of Abraham Lake; extends upstream for several kilometres along both sides of the North Saskatchewan River


Maps & Guides

  • Kootenay Plains map and campground guide Kootenay Plains PRA, Kootenay Plains ER, Two O Clock Creek Campground Map, Cavalcade 1, Cavalcade 2, Cavalcade 3, Cavalcade 4, Cavalcade 5, Cavalcade 6, Cavalcade 7, Cavalcade 8, Siffleur Falls Staging Area Day Use Trail Map Camping Map Siffleur WA, Random Backcountry Camping -- 12287 False
  • Campground & Trail Map Kootenay Plains PRA, Kootenay Plains ER, Two O Clock Creek Campground Map, Cavalcade 1, Cavalcade 2, Cavalcade 3, Cavalcade 4, Cavalcade 5, Cavalcade 6, Cavalcade 7, Cavalcade 8, Siffleur Falls Staging Area Day Use -- 12287 False
  • Bear Smart
  • Living With Cougars

Park Management

Classification Ecological Reserve
Legislation Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas and Heritage Rangelands Act
Park Size 8,496.80 Acres / 3,438.66 Ha
Legal Boundary O.C. 546/95
Administration / Information 403-845-8349
Regional Office Central Regional Office
District Rocky Mountain House
Natural Region Rocky Mountain - Montane
Rocky Mountain - Alpine and Sub-alpine
Natural Region Description

Vegetation includes dry grassland and aspen, lodgepole pine and white spruce forests. Grasslands are dominated by June grass, pasture sage, prairie groundsel and blue flax. Limber pine occurs on exposed ridges and river banks. There is Douglas fir on west-facing slopes above the North Saskatchewan River. More than 60 bird species, 14 mammal species and 2 amphibian species have been recorded. Kootenay Plains also provides important winter range for elk and mule deer.

Land Use Framework Region North Saskatchewan
Updated: Jun 9, 2023