Aspen Beach Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Brewers Campground

Information: 403-748-1123
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.
Construction Closure - Aspen Beach Provincial Park -Construction Closure - Aspen Beach Provincial Park - Delayed Opening - Aspen Beach Provincial ParkDelayed Opening - Aspen Beach Provincial Park

With its close proximity to the beach, Brewers Campground is a popular and busy campground throughout the summer. There are a large number of powered campsites to suit your needs, making Brewers Campground a great choice for tents, trailers and large RVs. There is a sani-dump station for water and sewage. The campground also offers a number of amenities, including a centralized shower house with flush toilets, laundry facilities and a concession for food, drinks and snacks. Its interconnected trail system, natural playground and boat launch provide endless opportunities for people of all ages.

With no first come, first served sites at Brewers, those wishing to camp must reserve ahead of time.


Season: Jun 26 - Sep 1
Site Type Campsites Power Rate/Night Reservable Dates Current Status
Power 295 15 / 30 $43 Jun 26 - Sep 1 Seasonal Closure

  • Reservations can be made 90 days in advance of arrival date.
  • Permits: Access into the park is restricted to those with valid permits issued at the booth. Please stay to the left upon entering the park to check into your site.


Bookings Open
March 28 True


Firewood costs $10.00/bundle.


Fees are $5.00 for registered campers, payable at the Permit Registration Booths prior to dumping.


Learn about Accessible Camping in Alberta Parks

Updated: Jan 14, 2025