Lakeland Provincial Park & Lakeland Provincial Recreation Area were designated as a Dark-Sky Preserve on November 19, 2016, in partnership with Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. The park is 590 square kilometres in size with the core area of the Dark-Sky Preserve having a nighttime sky quality level of approximately 21.5 mag/arcsec2. Annually a Dark Sky Celebration event is held, this year activities will be hosted at Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park.
- Come discover the night sky with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada—Edmonton Chapter volunteers as they volunteer to take
participants on a journey through the stars.
- Join Lakeland Industry and Community Association (LICA) for a special presentation and display featuring nocturnal creatures that call this and other nearby Parks home.
- Take in displays about the night sky, and join a Park Interpreter for a night hike to learn what happens in Parks at Night, along with some fireside stories about some of the constellations.
- Enjoy a campfire tended by the Boreal Explorers Junior Forest Wardens Club along with face paint provided by Alberta Parks and additional activities of the night event still TO BE ANNOUNCED!
Tickets / Registration
All Alberta Parks interpretive family programming is on a drop-in basis and for park visitors of ALL AGES. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.