Please park your horse trailer only in designated parking locations. Never block cattle guards, other vehicles, loading ramps or roadways.
Please use processed (cubes or pellets) or certified weed free hay. Make sure your horse finishes their feed so that none is left behind.
Do not clean your horse trailer out in the parking lot.
When accessing water, use hard ground surfaces. Avoid soft ground conditions to prevent steam bank erosion and possible bogging of your horse. Be extremely careful around springs, wetlands and small muddy stream crossings.
Do not tie or highline your horses to evergreen trees or cottonwoods or near creeks or springs. Aspen are a tree species that can work well for tying horses.
Bring extra clothing and safety supplies. Bob Creek Wildland is a remote location and the weather can change quickly.
Be respectful of the grassland, wildlife, cattle and other users.
Avoid low wet areas. When this is not possible, take care to minimize your disturbance of vegetation.
Bob Creek Wildland Provincial Park and Black Creek Heritage Rangeland are a wilderness area. All visitors must be prepared for backcountry hiking.
Ensure you have enough gear and proper safety equipment for possible changes in weather conditions.
You should have adequate experience to safely travel in the area.
Pack your litter out. Keep garbage in your pockets or bring along a bag to put it in.
Please be considerate of neighbouring private land. Seek permission from the landowner if you are hoping to cross it.