Queen Elizabeth Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Queen Elizabeth Campground

Information: 780-538-5350

The campground has 56 campsites, 42 with power, tucked into the forest along the lake shore. A group campsite can be booked for large gatherings. The basics like fire pits, picnic tables, potable water and washrooms are here.  In addition there are trails, boat launch and pier, a playground, picnic shelter and a sewage dumping station.


Season: May 16 - Oct 13
Site Type Campsites Power Rate/Night Reservable Dates Current Status
Unserviced 14 - $29 No Seasonal Closure
Power 42 15 / 20 $37 No Seasonal Closure

First-come, first-served camping is in effect starting September 3rd. Reduced rates may be in effect to reflect limited services available.


First Come, First Serve

A sewage disposal station is available.


Two Wheelchair Accessible Campsites; barrier-free washrooms, trails and picnic shelter.

Learn about Accessible Camping in Alberta Parks

Updated: Dec 11, 2024