Queen Elizabeth Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Information & Facilities

Information: 780-538-5350
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Queen Elizabeth Provincial Park is found along the shores of Lac Cardinal, 3 km north and 5 km west of Grimshaw off Hwy. 35. The boat launch is a popular access to the lake for boating, tubing and sailing, and the beach is a great place to enjoy the summer sun. Take a hike or go mountain biking along the shore and through the shady boreal forest trails. Lac Cardinal's shallow waters cannot support a fish population, but its abundant vegetation is ideal habitat for waterfowl, making for great birdwatching. Over 140 species of birds and other wildlife that have been recorded in the park.

Location: 3 km north and 5 km west of Grimshaw off Hwy. 35

Advisories & Closures

    No Advisories


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