Poacher's Landing Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks

Poachers Landing Campground

Information: 780-623-7189
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Poachers Landing Campsite is located in Poacher's Landing Provincial Recreation Area, located 25 km east of Athabasca on Hwy. 55, then 20 km north on Range Rd. 195A, and 1km east to access road. This riverside campground had plenty of trails for equestrians and ATV users to enjoy, with access to adjacent La Biche River Wildland Provincial Park. For registered campers, a small equestrian staging area is available with hitching rails and a corral for overnight stays for horses. 


Season: Year-round
Site Type Campsites Power Rate/Night Reservable Dates Current Status
Unserviced 6 - $22 No FCFS

Reduced services & maintenance Sept Long - May Long.


First Come, First Serve

Firewood is NOT available. Please bring your own firewood. 


Potable water is NOT available. Please bring your own drinking water.


Learn about Accessible Camping in Alberta Parks

Updated: Dec 11, 2024