Lesser Slave Lake Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

LEEDing the Way

What would you do to make a building environmentally friendly?  We've examined everything - the lights, the roof and even the toilets - to make the Boreal Centre For Bird Conservation (BCBC) greener.  This program includes

  • An introduction to the BCBC and its green features
  • Interactive learning centres about the BCBC's geothermal heating and cooling, water conservation and green building materials
  • A guided tour of the facility to see how the Certified Gold LEED standard building works
Grade(s): 3 - 9
Curriculum: Science
    • Grade 3 - Topic B & C
    • Grade 4 - Topic A
    • Grade 6-Topic E
    • Grade 7-Topics A, D & E
    • Grade 8-Topic D
    • Grade 9-Units A & C
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Location: Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation or classroom
Max. Group Size: ??
Fees: $$3 per student
Availability: Year-round
Booking Information

This program is designed to be delivered at the Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation. A modified version can be delivered in your classroom. Presented in conjunction with the Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation. To book, call 780-849-8240 or email info@borealbirdcentre.ca

Updated: Jul 29, 2022