Lawrence Lake Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks

Lawrence Lake Campground

Information: 1-877-537-2757
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Lawrence Lake Campground offers 25 nicely treed, unserviced front-country campsites with firepits, pit toilets and no shower building. There is a picnic shelter for those rainy days. The nearest town, Athabasca, is a 30-minute drive away and offers a full range of supplies and services.


Season: May 16 - Oct 14
Site Type Campsites Power Rate/Night Reservable Dates Current Status
Unserviced 25 - $25 No Seasonal Closure

First-come, first-served sites.


First Come, First Serve

Firewood alert! Firewood is not available on site. Please bring your own. 

Help stop the spread of forest pests, Dutch elm disease and emerald ash borer. Plan to buy firewood locally, burn on site, never bring home.


Water is available from a hand pump at this site. Although Alberta Parks strives to maintain water quality, we recommend that you bring your own drinking water.


Learn about Accessible Camping in Alberta Parks

Updated: Dec 11, 2024