Kananaskis Country

Alberta Parks

Teacher-led Weather Watch

A Kananaskis Conservation Pass is required to park your vehicle in Kananaskis and the Bow Valley.
  • You can use the teacher guide and other resource to help students act as meteorologists while exploring trails in Kananaskis.
  • Students can collect and analyze weather data and identify cloud patterns. They gain an appreciation for how animals and plants have awareness of seasonal changes. 
  • If you'd like suggestions on programming or using this material, please contact the Environmental Education office at 403-679-3517 or Kananaskis.Education@gov.ab.ca.
Grade(s): 5
Curriculum: Science
    • Weather Watch
    Teacher-led Field Study
Duration: Full-Day
Location: Yamnuska Area in Bow Valley Wildland Provincial Park
Max. Group Size: Dependent on trail group size limits
Register Your School Group
Updated: Jun 15, 2020