Peppers Lake Staging Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks

Peppers Lake Staging Campground

Information: 403-304-0456
Partner: Friends of the Eastern Slopes Association
Ice Safety: Alberta Parks does not monitor ice conditions; learn how to assess them for yourself.

Peppers Lake Staging Campground is found in Peppers Lake Provincial Recreation Area, 84 km southwest of Nordegg on Hwy. 734. Here there are a handful of sites perfect for equestrian users. Hitching rails and access to nearby equestrian trails are available.

This campground is maintained by the Friends of the Eastern Slopes; a non-profit organization that operates campgrounds through positive and proactive volunteer efforts. A nightly fee is not charged for the campground, however campers are encouraged to purchase a $30 annual membership to this organization to support their volunteer efforts and operation of this campground.


Season: Year-round
Site Type Campsites Power Rate/Night Reservable Dates Current Status
Unserviced 6 - FOESA

  • Garbage: This is a user maintained campground. Garbage receptacles are not provided.  It is MANDATORY that campers pack out their garbage.
  • Toilets: Vault toilets are available onsite.  Toilet paper & hand sanitizer are not provided. Campers must be prepared to provide their own toilet paper & hand sanitizer. Toilets will cleaned a minimum of once a week, campers may clean the toilet facilities themselves prior to their use if required. Dumping of any garbage or sewage into the vault toilets is prohibited.
  • Wildlife: Campers must ensure that all garbage, food and associated attractants are secured within a hard walled trailer or vehicle when not in use to prevent attracting bears and other wildlife to your campsite.
  • This is an unserviced campground.


First Come, First Serve
  • Firewood alert! Firewood not available. Help stop the spread of forest pests, Dutch elm disease and emerald ash borer. Plan to buy firewood locally, burn on site, never bring home.
  • Collection of deadfall for firewood is prohibited.

Recent changes to the Recreation Area Regulation under the Public Health Act have affected provision of drinking water in this campground – we cannot absolutely guarantee that water from hand pumps is free of pathogens because of the risk of ground water contamination. As a result, Alberta Parks recommends that you bring your own drinking water.


Learn about Accessible Camping in Alberta Parks

Updated: May 30, 2023