Crimson Lake Provincial Park

Alberta Parks

Wolf Track

Seasonal Service Change - First-Come, First Served Winter CampingSeasonal Service Change - First-Come, First Served Winter Camping

This is a rolling trail that winds through the eastern forest of Crimson Lake, and hugs the edge of a large wetland. In summer, the wetland is home to Sandhill Cranes. Overall, the trail is rated as "easy" with a few steep hills. The trailhead is located at Loop F in the Crimson Lake Campground.  The trail can also be accessed from Fallen Timber, North Woods or Raven trails.

In winter, contact the Alberta Parks office in Rocky Mountain House for trail updates.


Groomed Cross-Country Skiing Trail

Length Approx. 1.0 km
Summer biking/cycling,e-bikes,hiking,skiing Biking/Cycling E-bikes Hiking
Winter XC Skiing
Trail Map Campground & Trail Map
Twin Lakes Campground & Trail Map
Winter Trails Map
Trails: Crimson Lake Provincial Park | All Parks
Updated: Jul 25, 2024