The official name for this park is Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Grazing, Wildlife and Provincial Recreation Area. It's a multi-use area that supports a variety of activities.
Classification | Provincial Recreation Area |
Legislation | Provincial Parks Act |
Park Size | 23,969.68 Acres / 9,700.53 Ha |
Legal Boundary | O.C. 390/97 |
Administration / Information | 780-922-3293 |
Regional Office | Central Regional Office |
District | Camrose |
Special Designations |
Dark Sky Preserve Biosphere Reserve |
Natural Region |
Boreal Forest - Dry Mixedwood |
Natural Region Description | This area is aspen-dominated hummocky moraine with numerous small kettle lakes and ponds. It is located just south of Elk Island National Park. Roughly half the area is pasture; the remainder is in a natural state. |
Land Use Framework Region | North Saskatchewan |